1. 2025_01_OECD_Tokenisation of Assets and DLT in Financial Markets

    2. 2024_12_BIS_A proposal for a retail Central Bank Digital Currency architecture

    3. 2024_12_BIS_ Central bank digital currencies and fast payment systems_rivals or partners

    4. 2024_12_OECD_ Understanding and Implementing the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

    5. 2024_11_OECD_Effective Implementation of the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

    6. 2024_11_BIS_Legal aspects of retail CBDC

    7. 2024_11_BIS_CBDC System Design

    8. 2024_11_BIS_Retail fast payment systems as a catalyst for digital finance

    9. 2024_11_IMF_ Central Bank Digital Currency-Progress and further considerations

    10. 2024_10_BIS_ Tokenisation in the context of money and other assets

    11. 2024_10_FSB_ The Financial Stability Implications of Tokenisation

    12. 2024_10_FSB_G20 Crypto-asset Policy Implementation Roadmap

    13. 2024_10_IOSCO_Investor Education on Crypto-Assets

    14. 2024_10_BIS_Stablecoins money market funds and monetary policy

    15. 2024_10_IMF_Central Bank Digital Currencies and Financial Stability

    16. 2024_10_WEF_Digital Assets Regulation_Insights from Jurisdictional Approaches

    17. 2024_09_IMF_Central Bank Digital Currency Adoption

    18. 2024_09_World Bank_Infrastructure Tokenization

    19. 2024_08_BIS_Novel risks, mitigants and uncertainties with permissionless DLT

    20. 2024_08_BIS_The financial stability implications of multifunction cryptoasset

    21. 2024_08_FMI_Cyber Resilience of the CBDC Ecosystem

    22. 2024_08_FMI_Programmability in payements and settlement

    23. 2024_07_OECD_Bringing Tax Transparency to Crypto-Assets

    24. 2024_07_BIS_BoE_Project Pyxtrial_Monitoring the Baking of stablecoin

    25. 2024_07_FSB_Global Stablecoin Arrangements in EMDEs

    26. 2024_07_BIS_Cryptoasset standard amendments

    27. 2024_07_BIS_Disclosure of cryptoasset exposures

    28. 2024_07_BIS_Crypto Exchanges Tokens

    29. 2024_07_World Bank_ Interoperability between CBDC and Fast Payment Systems

    30. 2024_06_FATF standards on virtual assets and VASP

    31. 2024_06_IMF_Crypto as a Marketplace for Capital Flight

    32. 2024_06_BIS_ Results of the 2023 survey on CBDC and crypto

    33. 2024_05_ISDA_Guidance for tokenized collateral

    34. 2024_05_BIS_Project Agorà_Call for participation

    35. 2024_05_BIS_Digitalization of finance

    36. 2024_05_BIS_Why DeFi lending

    37. 2024_04_IMF_CBDC in Middle East and Central Asia

    38. 2024_04_IMF_Bitcoin crossborder flows

    39. 2024_04_WEF_Modernizing financial markets CBDC

    40. 2024_04_IOSCO_Exchanges regulatory implications

    41. 2024_04_IMF_Primer on Bitcoin Cross border flows

    42. 2024_04_FSI_Insights on policy implementation

    43. 2024_04_BIS_Finternet financial system of the future

    44. 2024_03_WEF_Navigating the industrial Metaverse

    45. 2024_03_IMF_Rise of Digital Money

    46. 2024_03_IMF_E-Money and Monetary policy transmission

    47. 2024_03_FATF_Implementation of Recomm 13

    48. 2024_03_BIS_DeFi Leverage

    49. 2024_02_IMF_New Tecnologies_Digitalization and AI

    50. 2024_02_IMF_Platform Precommitment via Decentralization

    51. 2024_02_IMF_Conceptual model for digital asset platforms

    52. 2024_02_BIS_Tracing the adoption of digital technologies

    53. 2024_02_BIS_Tokenisation for the real world_ Tokenization of Real-World Assets and Liabilities

    54. 2024_02_BIS_The economic implications of services in the metaverse

    55. 2024_02_BIS_How digital payments seize the daypdf

    56. 2024_01_INTERPOL_Metaverse A Law Enforcement Perspective

    57. 2024_01_IMF_Does FinTech Increase Bank Risk Taking

    58. 2024_01_FSB_FSB Work Programme for 2024

    59. 2024_01_BIS_Public information and stablecoin runs

    60. 2024_01_BIS_Economic implications services in Metaverse

    61. 2023_UNCTAD_Global Report on Blockchain and its Implications on Trade Facilitation Performance

    62. 2023_12_WorldBankGroup_Digital progress and trends report

    63. 2023_12_The World Bank_Infrastructure Tokenization

    64. 2023_12_IOSCO_Final Report with Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance DeFi

    65. 2023_12_IMF_Macro-Financial Impacts of Foreign Digital Money

    66. 2023_12_BIS_Cryptoasset standard amendments

    67. 2023_11_OECD_Open finance policy considerations

    68. 2023_11_IOSCO_Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset Markets

    69. 2023_11_IMF_Is FinTech Eating the Bank’s Lunch

    70. 2023_11_IMF_Central Bank Digital Currency and Bank Disintermediation in a Portfolio Choice Model

    71. 2023_11_IMF_Central Bank Digital Currency - Initial Considerations

    72. 2023_11_FSB_The Financial Stability Implications of Multifunction Crypto-asset Intermediaries

    73. 2023_11_BIS_Will the real stablecoin please stand up

    74. 2023_11_BIS_On Par A Money View of stablecoins

    75. 2023_11_BIS_Exploring privacy, security and scalability for CBDCs

    76. 2023_11_BIS_A Money View of stablecoins

    77. 2023_10_WEF_Bain and Company_Evolution of Non-Fungible Tokens

    78. 2023_10_BIS_Stablecoin in cross border payments

    79. 2023_10_BIS_Mapping the world of decentralised finance

    80. 2023_10_BIS_Disclosure of cryptoasset exposures

    81. 2023_10_BIS_Considerations for the use of stablecoin arrangements in cross-border payments

    82. 2023_09_IOSCO_Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance DeFi

    83. 2023_09_IMF-FSB_Synthesis Paper Policies for Crypto-Assets

    84. 2023_09_IMF_New Evidence on Spillovers Between Crypto Assets and Financial Markets

    85. 2023_09_IMF_Cryptocarbon How Much Is the Corrective Tax

    86. 2023_09_IMF_Assessing Macrofinancial Risks from Crypto Assets

    87. 2023_09_BIS_The oracle problem and the future of DeFi

    88. 2023_08_OECD_DeFi liquidations Volatility and liquidity

    89. 2023_08_BIS_Financial stability risks from cryptoassets in emerging market economies

    90. 2023_08_BIS_Absolute blockchain strength Evidence from the ABS market in China

    91. 2023_07_IMF_Digital Tokens A Legal Perspective

    92. 2023_07_FSB_Reg. of “Global Stablecoin” Arrangements_Final Report 2023

    93. 2023_07_FSB_Recommendations for Regulation Supervision Oversight of Global Stablecoin Arrangements

    94. 2023_07_BIS_The crypto ecosystem key elements and risks

    95. 2023_06_FATF_Implementation of the FATF standards on virtual assets and virtual asset service providers

    96. 2023_05_WEF_Pathways to the Regulation of Crypto-Assets

    97. 2023_05_ISDA_Navigating Bankruptcy in Digital Asset Markets

    98. 2023_05_IOSCO_Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset Markets

    99. 2023_05_BIS_Project Polaris

    100. 2023_05_BIS_Crypto tokens and DeFi navigating the regulatory landscape

    101. 2023_04_BIS_Crypto carry

    102. 2023_01_BIS_Addressing the risks in crypto laying out the options

    103. 2022_12_UNESCO_Education on Blockchain

    104. 2022_10_FSB_Reg. of Global Stablecoin Arrangements_Consultative Report 2022

    105. 2022_08_IMF_Fintech Notes_The Case of Stablecoins and Arrangements

    106. 2022_07_BIS_IOSCO_Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures to stablecoin arrangements

    107. 2022_06_WEF_Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Beyond the Hype

    108. 2021_12_OECD_Tokenisation of assets in financial markets

    109. 2021_10_FSB_Reg. of Global Stablecoin Arrangements_Progress Report 2021

    110. 2020_10_FSB_Reg. of Global Stablecoin Arrangements_ High Level Recom. 2020

    111. 2020_03_IOSCO_Global Stablecoin Initiatives

    1. 2025_01_EBA_ESMA_Recent developments in crypto-assets

    2. 2025_01_EBA_Draft RTS on the calculation and aggregation of crypto exposure values

    3. 2024_12_ESMA_Final_report_on_reverse_solicitation_under_MiCA

    4. 2024_12_EBA_ESMA_EIOPA _Guidelines in classification of crypto-assets under MiCA

    5. 2024_12_EBA_Final Report_Supervisory Duties

    6. 2024_12_EBA_Report on Tokenised Deposits

    7. 2024_12_ECB_Progress on the preparation phase of a digital euro

    8. 2024_12_ESMA_Final Report Investor protection requirements

    9. 2024_12_ESMA_Statement on MiCA Transitional Measures

    10. 2024_12_ESMA_Final Report Market abuse

    11. 2024_12_EBA_Draft Regulatory Technical Standards

    12. 2024_12_EBA_ESMA _Guidelines on the assessment of the management body of Casp

    13. 2024_12_EBA_ESMA_Classification of Crypto Asset_Final Report

    14. 2024_12_EBA_Preventing money laundering and terrorism financing in the EU’s crypto-assets sector

    15. 2024_12_EC_Enhancing Financial Services with Permissionless Blockchains

    16. 2024_12_ECB_Progress on the preparation phase of a digital euro

    17. 2024_12_ESMA_List of Grandfathering period

    18. 2024_10_EBA_Final report on Guidelines on redemption plans under MiCAR

    19. 2024_10_ECB_Stablecoins, money market funds and monetary policy

    20. 2024_09_ECB_Update on the work of the digital euro rulebook

    21. 2024_08_EC_EGBE_Ethical Guidelines for Blockchain Systems

    22. 2024_08_ESMA_Decentralised Finance_A categorisation of smart contracts

    23. 2024_07_ESMA_Opinion to support the convergent application of MiCA

    24. 2024_07_ESMA_What-s next for MICA and DORA

    25. 2024_07_ECB_Toss a Stablecoin to your banker

    26. 2024_07_EBA_Draft Guidelines on supervisory duties regarding issuers compliance under MiCA

    27. 2024_07_EBA_ESMA_EIOPA_Guidelines on standardised test for the classification of crypto-assets

    28. 2024_07_EBA statement of asset-referenced and e-money tokens to comply promptly with MiCAR

    29. 2024_07_ESMA_Final Report Technical Standards Requirements MiCA

    30. 2024_07_EBA_Finale Report_Travel Rule Guidelines

    31. 2024_06_ESMA_Staking under MiCA

    32. 2024_06_EBA_ESMA_Guidelines on the suitability assessment_Management and Issuer

    33. 2024_06_ECB_ Preparation phase of a digital euro_First progress report

    34. DTCC_Clearstream_Euroclear_BCG_Building the Digital Asset Securities Ecosystem

    35. EUBOF_ Blockchain for beginners- basic guiding principles

    36. EUBOF_ Ecosystem Developments

    37. EUBOF_Intellectual Property Management

    38. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS on use of ARTs and EMTs as a means of exchange under MICAR

    39. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_Guidelines on liquidity stress testing under MiCAR

    40. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_Reporting on asset-referenced tokens under MiCAR

    41. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_Governance arrangements for issuers of Asset-Referenced Tokens

    42. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS further specifying the liquidity requirements Article 36 4

    43. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_Guidelines on recovery plans under MiCAR

    44. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS on the procedure and timeframe to adjust own funds Art 45 7 c MiCAR

    45. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS on colleges under MiCAR

    46. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS to specify the HLFI in the reserve of assets Article 38 5

    47. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_ Additional own funds requirements and stress testing Art 35 6 MiCAR

    48. 2024_06_EBA_Final Report_RTS to specify the minimum content of liquidity management policy Article 45 7

    49. 2024_05_DTCC_Smart NAV Final Report

    50. 2024_05_ESMA_Conflicts of interest for crypto-asset service providers under MiCA

    51. 2024_05_EBA_Final Report on asset-referenced tokens

    52. 2024_05_EUBOF_Conclusion_Report

    53. 2024_05_EBA_Regulatory Technical Standards

    54. 2024_04_EPRS_Digital finance legislation overview

    55. 2024_04_ECB_Transactional demand for central bank digital currency

    56. 2024_04_Deutsche Bundesbank_CBDC and banks_Disintermediating fast and slow

    57. 2024_04_ECB_Digital euro current state of play

    58. 2024_03_ESMA_Coslutation paper MiCA

    59. 2024_03_ECB_Technical note on the provision of multiple digital euro accounts

    60. 2024_03_ECB_Digital Euro - The future of money

    61. 2024_03_EBA_Guidelines on redemption plans Art47 and Art55

    62. 2024_02_ECB_Digital Euro preparation phase

    63. 2024_02_EC_Master EU digital infrastructure

    64. 2024_02_EC_Europe digital infrastructure needs

    65. 2024_02_EBSI_Can verifying legal entities be as easy as web3

    66. 2024_01_ESMA_On the draft guidelines on reverse solicitation under the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA)

    67. 2024_01_ECB_Update on the work of the digital euro scheme’s Rulebook Development Group

    68. 2024_01_ECB_Transition to central bank digital currency

    69. 2024_01_ECB_Consumers payment pref and banking digitalisation

    70. 2024_01_ECB_Central Bank Digital Currency when price and bank stability collide

    71. 2024_01_EBI_Decentralised Autonomous Organizations_Targeting the Potential Beyond the Hype

    72. 2024_01_EBA_Public Hearing on Governance Remuneration and CoI mandates under MICAR

    73. 2023_OECD_Central Bank Digital Currencies and democratic values

    74. 2023_12_EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy_Digital Finance in the EU

    75. 2023_12_EP_Understanding crypto assets_An overview of blockchain technology-s uses and challenges

    76. 2023_12_ECB_Global and local drivers of Bitcoin trading vis-à-vis fiat currencies

    77. 2023_11_ECB_The digital euro a digital form of cash

    78. 2023_11_EBA_Guidelines on preventing abuse for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes under Regulation (EU) 2023-1113

    79. 2023_11_EBA_Draft Implementing Technical Standards

    80. 2023_10_ESMA_Report on the DLT Pilot Regime

    81. 2023_10_ESMA_EBA_Guidelines on the suitability assessment of issuers of asset tokens and crypto-asset providers

    82. 2023_10_ESMA_Decentralised Finance in the EU Developments and risks

    83. 2023_10_ESMA_Decentralised Finance A categorisation of smart contracts

    84. 2023_10_ECMI_ECRI_A digital euro beyond impulse CBDC

    85. 2023_10_ECB_The future of DAOs in finance

    86. 2023_10_ECB_A stocktake on the digital euro

    87. 2023_10_EBA_IOTA_Public Comment on Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance

    88. 2023_10_EBA_Guidelines on internal governance of issuers of ARTs

    89. 2023_10_EBA_Consulation on arrangements and asset reference token

    90. 2023_09_Europol_The other side of the Coin

    91. 2023_09_EPRS_Non-EU countries- regulations on crypto-assets and potential implications for EU

    92. 2023_09_EBI_Securitisation in the era of Blockchain

    93. 2023_07_Banque de France_Wholesale CBDC Experiments with the BANQUE DE FRANCE

    94. 2023_06_EC_Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on establishment of digital euro

    95. 2023_06_EC_Bank profitability and central bank digital currency

    96. 2023_05_Official Journal of the European Union_Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament

    97. 2023_05_ESBR_Crypto-assets and decentralised finance

    98. 2023_05_EGOV_A legal framework for the digital euro

    99. 2023_05_ECON_Remaining regulatory challenges in digital finance and crypto-assets after MiCA

    100. 2023_05_BACS_MiCA

    101. 2023_04_FATF_TFR Travel rule regulation guide European Union

    102. 2023_04_EUP_Legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the EPC

    103. 2023_04_EMA_Regulationof the European Parliament and on markets in crypto-assets

    104. 2023_02_Banque de France_Stablecoins and the Financing of the Real Economy

    105. 2022_11_Europol_BIG_5 recommendations for crypto assets-related crime and money laundering

    106. 2022_11_EPRS_Markets in crypto-assets (MiCA)

    1. 2024_11_NY FED_Financial Stability implications of Digital Asset

    2. 2024_10_FED_Centralized and Decentralized Finance Substitutes or Complements

    3. 2024_08_NY FED_Regulating Decentralized Systems_Evidence from Sanctions on Tornado Cash

    4. 2024_08_NY FED_The DeFi intermediation chain

    5. 2024_06_Louisiana_House Bill 488

    6. 2024_06_FED of Kansas City_ Estimating the Price of Stablecoin Insurance

    7. 2024_05_USTPO_US Copyright Office_NFT and Intellectual Property

    8. 2024_05_DoT_Illicit Finance Risk Assessment of Non-Fungible Tokens

    9. 2024_05_US Congress_No CBDC Bill

    10. 2024_04_FED Philadelphia_Making Sense of Decentralized Finance

    11. 2024_03_NIST Internal Report_Non-Fungible Token Security

    12. 2024_03_FED_Financial literacy and Crypto Ownership in the US

    13. 2024_02_FED_Governance of Permissionless Blockchain Networks

    14. 2024_02_FED_CBDC for International payments

    15. 2024_01_SEC_ Rule Changes to List and Trade Bitcoin-Based Commodity

    16. 2024_01_CFTC_Decentralized Finance

    17. 2023_11_FED_Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies Implications

    18. 2023_10_Federal Reserve_Tokenization Overview and Financial Stability Implications

    19. 2023_09_US Federal Reserve of New York_Are Stablecoins the New Money Market Funds

    20. 2023_09_US Congressional Research Service_An Overview of H.R. 4766, Clarity for Payment Stablecoins

    21. 2023_09_NIST_Understanding Stablecoin Technology and Security

    22. 2023_09_Congressional Research Service_An overview of Clarity for Payment Stablecoins Act

    23. 2023_09_ Federal Reserve of New York_ Runs and Flights to Safety

    24. 2023_07_US Government_Clarity for Payment Stablecoins Act of 2023

    25. 2022_07_US Government_Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act

    26. 2022_07_US Government_ Responsible Financial Innovation Act

    27. 2022_05_US Government_Stablecoin Transparency of Reserves and Uniform Safe Transactions Act of 2022

    28. 2021_12_FDF_Factsheet_ blockchain and cryptoassets in the financial sector_2021

    29. 2021_11_US FDIC and OCC_Report on Stablecoin 2021

    30. 2021_11_FDIC_Report on Stablecoin 2021

    31. 2021_10_OFAC_Sanctions compliance guidance for the Virtual Currency Industry

    32. 2020_03_US Government_Clarifing paper on which Federal agencies regulate digital assets

    1. 2024_08_Swiss Blockchain Federation_Update on Staking Circular

    2. 2024_07_FINMA_Risk and Challenges for issuers of Stablecoin and bank providing guarantees

    3. Stablecoin Guidelines

    4. Ordinanza Federale DLT_2021

    5. Legge Federale DLT_2020

    6. FDF_Factsheet Crypto_2021

    7. 2023_11_SNB_SNB launches pilot project with central bank digital currency

    8. 2023_09_SBF_Liquidity in Markets for Security Tokens

    9. 2023_09_SBF_CVA_Swiss blockchain industry warns against planned FINMA practice on staking

    10. 2023_06_Swiss Banking_CMTA_Swiss Digital Asset Custody

    11. 2022_01_SNB_BIS_SIX_Project Helvetia Phase II

    12. 2020_12_SNB_BIS_SIX_Project Helvetia

    13. 2019_09_FINMA_Supplement to the guidelines

    1. 2025_01_BANKIT_Consultazione su requisiti AML ed antiterrorismo CASP

    2. 2024_12_Legge di Bilancio ITA_Estratto su modifiche Cripto Asset

    3. 2024_11_BANKIT_Riciclaggio e Blockchain

    4. 2024_10_BANKIT_Revisione della PSD2 e coordinamento con il MiCAR

    5. 2024_10_BANKIT_CONSOB_Riparto di Competenze nell’applicazione di Micar

    6. 2024_09_Gazzetta Ufficiale Italia_ DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 5 settembre 2024 n. 129

    7. 2024_07_Banca d’Italia_Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus for a Central Bank DLT

    8. 2024_07_OAM_Quarto e Quinto Flusso informativo CASP

    9. 2024_06_ABI_Leonidas - Project Report

    10. 2024_02_Banca D-Italia_CBDC and the banking system

    11. 2024_01_OAM_Terzo Flusso informativo CASP

    12. 2023_12_CONSOB_Piano strategico 2022-2024

    13. 2023_10_ADE_Trattamento fiscale delle cripto-attività

    14. 2023_09_ OAM_Secondo flusso informativo CASP

    15. 2023_06_OAM_Primo flusso informativo CASP

    16. 2023_03_ABI_Digital Euro Position Paper

    17. 2022_06_CONSOB_Emerging trends in sustainable investing and cryptoasset markets

    18. 2022_06_Banca D’Italia_Comunicazione in materia di tecnologie decentralizzate nella finanza e cripto-attività

    1. 2025_01_Bank of England_UPDATE_The digital pound and the payments landscape

    2. 2025_01_Law Commission_Digital assets in private international law

    3. 2025_01_Bank of Canada_Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for CBDC Solutions

    4. 2024_12_Banco de Espana_ CBDCs, Banknotes and Bank Deposits

    5. 2024_12_Bank of Canada_CBDC in the Market for Payments at the point of sale

    6. 2024_12_FCA_ Admissions and Disclosures and Market Abuse Regime for Cryptoassets

    7. 2024_12_Bank of England_The role of CBDC in an increasingly digital economy

    8. 2024_12_Bank of Indonesia _Project Garuda_ Wholesale Rupiah Digital Cash Ledger

    9. 2024_12_Bank of England _Enhancing the Privacy of a Digital Pound

    10. 2024_12_Australia Government_Implementation of the Crypto Asset Reporting Framework

    11. 2024_12_YouGov FCA_Cryptoassets consumer research 2024

    12. 2024_12_HK Government_Stablecoin Bill

    13. 2024_12_Qatar Central Bank_Regulatory Framework for Digital Banks

    14. 2024_11_Reserve Bank of Australia_Project Acacia_ Consultation Paper

    15. 2024_10_Bank od Canada_The Consumer VP for a Hypothetical Digital Canadian Dollar

    16. 2024_10_Bank of Ghana_The eCedi Report

    17. 2024_10_Bank of Canada_Digital Payments_A Framework for Inclusive Design

    18. 2024_10_DDTC_JPX_Transforming Collateral Management with Digital Assets

    19. 2024_09_Dubai Financial Services Authority_Regulations of Crypto Tokens

    20. 2024_09_FCA_Changes to the safeguarding regime for payments and e-money firms

    21. 2024_09_Bank of Canada_Ecosystem Models for a CBDC_ Analysis Framework and Potential Models

    22. 2024_09_NITDA_National Blockchain Adoption Strategy

    23. 2024_09_OMFIF_Digital Asset 2024

    24. 2024_09_Reserve Bank odf Australia_CBDC and the future of digital money in Australia

    25. 2024_09_Qatar Financial Services_Digital Asset Regulations 2024

    26. 2024_08_Jersey Financial Service Commission_Tokenisation of real world assets

    27. 2024_08_UK Gov_Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) Summary

    28. 2024_08_ADGM_Proposed Regulatory Framework for Fiat-Referenced Tokens

    29. 2024_07_Bahamas Gov_Digital Assets And Registered Exchanges act 2024

    30. 2024_07_BDI_Commercial Bank Money Token

    31. 2024_07_UK Gov_Digital assets as personal property

    32. 2024_07_Bank of Canada_CBDC and transmission of Monetary Policy

    33. 2024_07_Bank of England_BoE approach to innovation in money and payments

    34. 2024_07_HKMA_Consultation conclusions on Regulatory Regime for Stablecoin Issuers

    35. 2024_07_Saudi Central Bank and Bank of the UAE_Joint Digital Currency Project

    36. 2024_07_LATAM Journal of Central Banking_CBDC in Latam and the Caribbbean

    37. 2024_07_Qatar Central Bank_DLT Guideline

    38. 2024_07_UK Government Law Commission_Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs)

    39. 2024_07_AMF_Defi, Trading, Protocols and Governance Issues

    40. 2024_07_FSA_PSR_ Big tech and digital wallets

    41. 2024_07_Bank of Canada_Analysis of DeFi Oracles

    42. 2024_06_BdF_BdL_Project Venus

    43. 2024_06_FSA_Digital engagement practices a trading apps experiment

    44. 2024_06_HKIMR_DeFI_Current Landscape and Regulatory Developments

    45. 2024_06_HKIMR_The Metaverse for the Financial Services Industry

    46. 2024_06_FMLC_Report_Digital-Assets-Governing-Law-and-Jurisdiction

    47. 2024_06_Bank of Canada_The Role of Beliefs in Entering and Exiting the Bitcoin Market

    48. 2024_05_Canadian Blockchain Consortium_Blockchain for sustainability_2024 Report

    49. 2024_05_Canadian Public Accountability Board_Crypto assets inspections insights

    50. 2024_05_Bank of England_Digital Pound Experiment Report

    51. 2024_04_UK Treasury_Legal statement for Digital Asset and Insolvency Law

    52. Japan FSA_Regulatory Framework for Crypto assets and Stablecoins

    53. 2024_04_Bank of Japan_Central Bank Digital Currency Experiments

    54. 2024_04_Reserve Bank of New Zealand_Digita Cash in New Zealand

    55. 2024_03_SverigesRiksbank_E-krona pilot phase 4

    56. 2024_03_Bank of Thailand_Retail CBDC Conclusion Report

    57. 2024_03_Bank of Israel_Logical Architecture for the Digital Shekel System

    58. 2024_03_Bank of Canada_CBDC Banking and Antonymity

    59. 2024_02_LawCommission_Digital assets as personal property

    60. 2024_02_HKMA_Provision custodial services for Digital Assets

    61. 2024_02_HKMA_Cryptoasset Exposures

    62. 2024_02_FCA_Review of Maximal Extractable Value _ Blockchain Oracles

    63. 2024_02_DNB_Transition to central bank digital currency

    64. 2024_01_BankOfEngland_Customer data acces and fintech entry

    65. 2024_01_Bank of Spain_CBDC operational framework Monetary policy

    66. 2023_12_SFC, HKMA_Joint circular on intermediaries virtual asset-related activities

    67. 2023_12_HKMA_Regulatory Regime for Stablecoin Issuers - Consultation Paper

    68. 2023_12_FSTB HKMA_ Legislative Proposal to Implement the Regulatory Regime for Stablecoin Issuers in Hong Kong

    69. 2023_11_FCA_Regulating cryptoassets_Phase 1 Stablecoins_Discussion Paper

    70. 2023_11_FCA_Regulating cryptoassets_Phase 1 Stablecoins

    71. 2023_11_FCA_Finalised non-handbook guidance on Cryptoasset Financial Promotions

    72. 2023_11_Bank of England_Regulatory regime for systemic payment systems using stablecoins DP

    73. 2023_11_Bank of England_Regulatory payment systems using stablecoins and related service providers

    74. 2023_10_HM Treasury_Update on Plans for the Regulation of Fiat-backed Stablecoins

    75. 2023_10_HM Treasury_Update on Plans for Regulation of Fiat-backed Stablecoins

    76. 2023_10_HM Treasury_Future financial services regulatory regime for cryptoassets

    77. 2023_10_Bank of Canada_Redefining Financial Inclusion for a Digital Age

    78. 2023_10_Australian Government_The Treasury_Regulating Digital Asset Platforms

    79. 2023_09_UAE VARA_Virtual Asset Issuance Rulebook

    80. 2023_09_Bank of Canada_Digitalization Definition and Measurement

    81. 2023_08_MAS_Response to Consultation on Stablecoins regulation

    82. 2023_08_ADB_Recent CBDC Developments in Asia and implications

    83. 2023_03_House of Commons_Central bank digital currencies_The digital pound

    84. 2022_FSA_Regulatory Framework for Crypto assets and Stablecoins

    85. 2022_10_MAS_Proposed Regulatory Approach for Stablecoin

    86. 2022_10_MAS_Proposed Regulatory Approach for Stablecoin- Consultation Paper

    87. 2022_08_MAS_Response to Consultation on Stablecoins regulation

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